knee Orthopaedic Specialist in Melbourne - Knee Replacement Surgery

Most people believe that a knee injury or disability could mean bidding farewell to mobility, balance and their safety. With the rising advancement in healthcare, various treatments and support are now available to make things easier for you! Vishal Pai is a renowned knee surgeon in Melbourne and has dedicated his life to improving his patients’ quality of life and knee mobility. He is a specialist in all conditions affecting the knees whilst concentrating on ACL surgery and robotic knee replacement surgery . As per his beliefs and vision, Mr Vishal Pai has undergone intensive training to ensure only the best care and treatment for you. He is entirely committed to producing excellent results for you and is highly passionate about his profession. That entails restoring your knees to their proper function so you can regain your quality of life, free from pain and instability. In 2018, Mr Pai served as the chief orthopaedic trauma surgeon at The Austin Hospit...