
Showing posts with the label paediatric acl reconstruction

Stronger Knees for Young Athletes with Paediatric ACL Reconstruction

Seeing your child struggle with knee pain and instability can be overwhelming. When an ACL injury happens, it doesn’t just affect their ability to play sports, it impacts their confidence and daily activities. Paediatric ACL reconstruction is a surgical procedure that repairs torn ligaments, restores knee stability, and helps children get back to the activities they love. How Paediatric ACL Reconstruction Benefits Young Patients Children with an ACL injury often experience swelling, pain, and difficulty moving. Without proper treatment, these injuries can lead to long-term joint issues. Paediatric ACL reconstruction is designed to restore knee function while carefully considering a child’s growing bones. Using advanced techniques, we minimise the risk to growth plates, ensuring a safe and effective recovery. With structured rehabilitation, children regain strength, stability, and confidence in their movements. Why Choose Us for Paediatric ACL Reconstruction Personalised Approach- Eve...